Comprehensive Plan 2018-2038

Long Range Planning involves collaboration and involvement with community members to articulate a vision for Central Point's desired future, providing a general land use framework to achieve that vision, and developing ordinances to implement the vision, goals, and policies.  There are four long range planning programs:

  • Strategic Planning Program - This program is administered in partnership with the City Manager's office and informs the City's Comprehensive Plan and implementing ordinance development.  The current Strategic Plan provides the vision, mission, values, strategic priorities actions that guide the City's programs through 2040. 
  • Urban Reserve Area (URA) Program - This is a 50-year planning program that involves development of Conceptual Land Use and Transportation Plans for each of the City's eight (8) URAs. The URAs were established as part of a regional planning effort to identify a 50-year land supply for six Rogue Valley cities and establish planning requirements to assure efficient use of land and continued regional collaboration as each City grows.  Applications to expand the City's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) into a URA requires completion of a Concept Plan for the affected URA.  
  • Comprehensive Planning Program - This is a 20-year planning program that involves development and maintenance of the City's Comprehensive Plan, which aims to carry out the community's vision while complying with the Oregon Statewide Planning Goals. The Comprehensive Plan provides a 20-year inventory and a needs assessment for the City's Urban Area (i.e. lands within the UGB), including but not limited to: housing, the economy, environmental conditions, parks and open spaces, historic resources, and public facilities.  Based on project needs, the Comprehensive Plan sets forth a program that provides a general but more refined direction for community growth, including goals and policies that will affect the form and function of the Central Point community.  
  • Land Division and Zoning Code.  The land division and zoning codes implement the Comprehensive Plan.  The regulations and standards set forth in these codes are applied when Current Planning applications are received for Urban Growth Boundary Expansion, Annexation, Land Division, Master Plan, Conditional Use and Site Plan and Architectural Review.  Keeping these codes up-to-date and in sync with the Comprehensive Plan puts the plans into action. 

The general progression of the City's Long Range Planning Programs is from general to specific.  Each program is guided by the overarching vision for the community's desired future.  You can learn more about each of these programs by following the links below.