The Budget Committee consists of the seven City Council members and seven citizens of Central Point.  The Citizens are appointed by the Mayor with confirmation of the City Council. Citizen Members serve three year terms. 

The Committee meets as necessary during the year and at a minimum must meet each spring to review the budget proposed by the City Manager. The meetings are open to the public and input from the public is received at the meetings. At a typical spring-time meeting, city staff presents financial overviews, highlights changes in programs and costs, and provides information on the City's long term fiscal outlook.

Budget Committee members can question city staff on financial, programs, and operational matters. The members can suggest and vote on amendments to the proposed budget. The proposed budget as amended by the committee changes is known as the Approved Budget.

The approved budget is referred to the City Council for adoption. A public hearing is held before the City Council. Council can adopt the budget as approved or vote on changes prior to adoption.

For additional information on the Budget Document, email City Finance Director, Steve Weber or call her at 541-423-1023.

Budget Committee Members for 2021

Elected Officials:

  • Hank Williams, Mayor
  • Rob Hernandez
  • Taneea Browning
  • Michael Parsons
  • Kelley Johnson
  • Melody Thueson
  • Neil Olsen

Appointed Members:

  • Kay Harrison
  • Lori Garfield
  • Michael Quilty
  • Kathleen Flanagan-Clark
  • Karen Huckins
  • Jim Mock
  • Eden Foster

Budget Documents can be found on the Finance Department page.