Project ID: 
Project Type:
Land Use
Project Status: 
Date Received: 
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Project Summary

School District #6 is requesting Site Plan and Architectural Review approval to construct an 11,500 square foot building that includes a gymnasium, multipurpose room, maker space room, restroom faciltiies and storage areas. As part of the project, the School District is proposing outdoor landscape and walkway improvements including a courtyard with a vegetagble garden, orchard and lawn area. All improvements are internal to the 12.25 acre campus ("Project Site"), which is within the R-3, Residential Multifamily zoning district.

In accordance with performance zoning provisions in CPMC 17.28, the applicant may elect to the use development standards for the R-3 zone or the standards in the MMR, Medium Mix Residential zone. School District #6 has elected to apply the MMR performance zoning standards.  Applicant: School District #6; Agent: Daniel O'Connor, O'Connor Law. File No. SPAR-20010. 

Approval Criteria

This application is being reviewed using Type II (Administrative) procedures per Central Point Municipal Code section 17.05.300. Following a 14-day comment period (ending on Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.), a decision will be rendered by the Community Development Director based on the application's demonstrated ability to meet the applicable criteria set forth below:

  • CPMC 17.72, Site Plan and Architectural Review
    • CPMC 17.28, R-3, Residential Multifamily
    • CPMC 17.65.050, MMR Development Standards
    • CPMC 17.67,  Design and Development Standards--TOD Districts and Corridors

The application is scheduled for a  decision by the Community Development Director on Thursday, September 24, 2020.  

Public Comments

Any person interested in commenting on the Site Plan and Architectural Review application may provide written testimony regarding the application up until the close of business Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 4:00 p.m..  Written comments must be related to the proposal and should be clearly stated. Comments must address the approval criteria with sufficient specificity to afford the decision-makers and all parties an opportunity to respond to the issue(s) raised.

Written comments may be sent to Central Point City Hall, Attn: Stephanie Holtey, Principal Planner, at 140 South 3rd Street, Central Point, OR  97502.  The land use file number is: SPAR-20010.


Project Location Map
Building Design Renderings
Status Updates

9/3/2020 - Application accepted as complete. Notice of Completion provided to the Applicant's Agent. 

9/3/2020 - Notice of Administrative Review was mailed to property owners within 250-feet of the project site.