Order K-9 Plush

Plush K-9s

Order K-9 Plush to Support CPPD K-9 Program

We are thrilled to have 8-9 inch tall plush versions of our four favorite K-9s for sale to help support the Central Point Police Department's K-9 program! Each plush is only $15 and all proceeds will go to ensure Mattis, Sage, Gus, and Simon are equipped with gear that is as protective and supportive as possible.

Supplies are limited so if you are interested in purchasing any (or the whole set!) please order them HERE or visit us at 155 S. 2nd St. to pick one up. (NOTE: Payment is accepted through the City of Central Point at 140 S. 3rd St. prior to pick-up at our office. These are for local pick-up only, no shipping available.)

We thank you for your support of our K-9s!